Saturday, February 26, 2011

Liberation for the Soul...

"My (Paul) counsel is this: Live freely, animated and motivated by God's Spirit."
--Galations 005//16

"But what happens when we live God's way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard--things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people."
--Galations 005//22-23


To live free is to ourselves. I like myself. I like the things I do and am able to do. Yet, all the talents, dreams, and passions I know have been given to me by God...especially when I am following His way. I love how often humans are compared to trees in the Bible. Think how often you see trees on any given day. Trees are strong, beautiful, art pieces. We too are designed to be mighty trees in the world. God is with us. Let the seeds within begin to bloom by surrendering to the Harvester. His rain is so good.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Here at the DMV waiting to change the title over to my name on my car. I'm new to this thing. It's one of those "adult" experiences. While driving over here I told myself how nerve-racking the DMV can be. Think about it: you take a number, stand around for AT LEAST 45 minutes, and then are summoned by an Amazon woman with a grey curly mullet. That's only the beginning... Then you get up there and pleade your case, hoping to God they sympathize with you. Oh what a great place.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Suffer well

“Christ wants to teach us that we should look at trials and suffering very differently from the way they appear and feel to us in this world. Suffering doesn’t occur apart from God’s will. It’s not a sign of his anger; rather, it’s a sign of his mercy and his fatherly love. It will serve for the best.”

--Martin Luther


The tub composed wholeheartedly of distilled aquamarine scents

sits in that curve of my intellect.

Rivers—thick streams—wind the untamed path before two tamed feet.

Traveling upstream is not an option, nor will it be ever.

This battle leads to future glories.

Wading—waist high—far above the ground I linger.

My bearded chin dips seven times, like Communion bread dipped in divine wine.

I am waiting to move, waiting to sail.

The terse air moves not even a broken, amber leaf off distant trees.

Sweat drops through my wide-open pores, falling aimlessly to this spinning earth.

New seasons take heed to the old.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Scissors dice sheared dreams piece after piece.

No trace found, nothing foretold.

Sliced into bits;

skyscraping desires resist further destruction.

Dirty-blondes hide out about every corner.

Calamity resounds in silence.

Dead air breathes its last dying breath.

Lungs—one pair—pinch, release.

Caves morph to graves.

This skin has become a home.


Strong chords echo from inside the glossy black Steinway.

The pianist has chosen to play Reverie tonight.

A setting sun nestles behind rocky silhouettes, casting marvelous tangerine shadows.

Whispers gradually cease within the swarming theater.

A piece, composed centuries ago, soothingly induces listeners into peace.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Who are we?

Who are you? Who am I? This is a pretty hard question to answer--honestly. What does the world tell you to believe? Do you have your own values and beliefs or are you swayed by what other people say about you?


It's better to be honest with yourself about what you believe than to deny it and slowly feel your passions curl up and die on the inside. What makes you come alive? Find out and